As 2023 comes to a close, we at Murzilli Consulting are proud to say it’s been an eventful year for us. 

We are pleased to announce our merger with our sister company, DroneTalks, to become M&K Global. Murzilli Consulting and DroneTalks have been supporting each other since inception, and our combined efforts will enhance both companies’ visibility and outreach potential.

Murzilli Consulting 2023 Our Year in Numbers - Drone Regulatory Department

Murzilli Consulting - outsourced drone regulatory department - employees based in Europe

We had a total of 27 new projects this year, and with these exciting prospects, we were able to grow our team from 6 to 15 employees. Murzilli Consulting is spread across Europe, and this year, we opened two new offices in addition to our Bern headquarters: one in Berlin, Germany, and one in Madrid, Spain. We also enjoyed two work retreats in Berlin, Germany and Alessandria, Italy. These workaways allowed us to foster collaboration and communication and to strengthen ourselves overall as a team.

Murzilli Consulting Drone Consultants at a team building event

Our CEO, Lorenzo Murzilli and our Director of Business Unit, Richard Boden, moderated several panels this year, including Amsterdam Drone Week and EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM. We also co-hosted our second year of Aerial Cities, the invitation-only drone event for decision-makers with DroneTalks. The event was a great success, and we are already receiving offers for 2024.

Aerial Cities - the invite-only drone event for decision makers

As the drone industry continues to develop, so does the need for more regulatory support. With this in mind, we added 5 new speciality services to our consulting brochure this year. We also signed 6 new partnerships, which enable us to expertly guide our clients end-to-end through the relevant regulatory framework.

Murzilli Consulting, the outsourced drone regulatory support and Dario di Martino of DMD Solutions

With borders being open again this year, we were able to host in-person training courses. In collaboration with Barcelona Drone Center, our founder, Lorenzo Murzilli, led a 5-day UAS Regulatory & SORA training in Barcelona. He also visited and led the 2-day in-depth SORA training for the Irish Aviation Authority and the UAE General Civil Aviation Authority. Our own team also benefited from a personalised Innovative Air Services training session from retired Principal Advisor at EASA and DGAC, Yves Morier. Additionally, several of our consultants received ​​advanced aviation lead auditor certification, which allows them to perform third-party audits for SAIL III operations.

In the second half of 2023, Murzilli Consulting released a monthly regulatory newsletter. The newsletter enables readers to find the latest drone and eVTOL regulations each month in a concise summarised report.

From everyone at Team Murzilli, we would like to thank our partners, clients and community for such an inspiring and fruitful year, and look forward to doing it all again in 2024.

See you in the skies and beyond!